Swelda AB provides non-destructive testing services and can offer seven methods:
Visual Inspection (VT),
Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI, PT),
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI, MT, FMPI),
Ultrasonic Inspection (UT),
Radiographic Testing (RT),
Leak Testing (LT),
Ultrasonic thickness measurement (UTM).
We work in accordance with international and national codes and standards at our clients manufacturing and construction facilities to help ensure that processes run smoothly and products are manufactured with a high degree of integrity.
Our certified technicians according to ISO 9712 has expertise in a diverse range of industry sectors including oil, shipbuilding and repair, fabrication and construction.

NDT is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics that leave the item totally undamaged.

The benefits of choosing Swelda
- Ensure product integrity, and in turn, reliability;
- Avoid failures, prevent accidents and save human life;
- Ensure customer satisfaction and maintain the manufacturer’s reputation;
- Control manufacturing processes;
- Lower manufacturing costs;
- Maintain uniform quality level.