Our competent Welding Inspector IWI-C perform, supervise or oversee agreed welding and welding-related inspection activities during various stages of fabrication such as before welding, during welding and after completion of the welds.
International Welding Inspector Comprehensive (IWI C) services include:
- Perform, supervise or oversee agreed welding and welding-related inspection activities;
- Review and application of welding instructions, welding procedure specifications and qualified welding procedures;
- Preparation and implementation of inspection procedure and acceptance criteria;
- Quality Control;
- Audits;
- Control of welding equipment functionality and application;
- Inspection according requirements based on national specifications and codes.
Any other requirements can be specified by a manufacture, a contract or an application standard.

ISO 3834 states that
“The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent personnel for planning, performing, and supervising the inspection and testing of the welding production according to specified requirements”.