We are working together with our clients in all stages of their projects and delivering technical and problem-solving consultation to ensure stronger and more secure products which are compliant with industry standards and codes.
Welding coordination include:
- Plan, perform, supervise and/or oversee all company welding and welding-related activities;
- Review the conformity with industry standard and code requirements;
- Technical review;
- Control and surveillance of subcontractors and welding personnel’s qualification and suitability;
- Prepare welding procedure specifications (WPS) and welding procedure qualification records (WPQR);
- Control and surveillance of the use of work instructions;
- Material and welding consumable selection according to compatibility to specifications; control of documentation, storage and handling;
- Inspection and testing before, during and after welding;
- Corrective actions with regard to non-conformance NCR (weld repairs, reassessment of repaired welds);
- Equipment control for its suitability, maintenance, calibration and validation;
- Control and ensure the identification and traceability;
- Quality record preparation.
Any other coordination requirements can be specified by a manufacture, a contract or an application standard.

The main goals of using the coordination of welding operations

ISO 3834-2 & -3 states that
“The manufacturer shall have at his disposal appropriate welding coordination personnel. Such persons having responsibility for quality activities shall have sufficient authority to enable any necessary action to be taken. The tasks and responsibilities of such persons shall be clearly defined.”